Sunday, May 01, 2011

happy may day!

Wow! the first of may already.....
Maybe we'll finally get some spring here.
The final clue of the shawl was released this week, I'm still on the last one.....
I definitely want to sign up for the next KAL though. The yarn and patterns are gorgeous and definitely worth the effort.

Batik is making progress. I've kind of been going back and forth..

The big development this week is sock summit registration. I'm not really looking to take a full schedule of classes last time....lots of time for shopping, demos, etc.
But, I WILL be there wed. to get my opening ceremony tickets and I'm looking at one class and a couple of lectures. Hopefully registration will go smoothly and i'll have the time to get in. We'll still go anyway, there's just too much fun and it will not be missed!
Yogi is very excited about it.

1 comment:

Nana Sadie said...

Good luck, good luck!!! I remember two years ago...
And yes, you'll have a blast no matter what!