Sunday, August 04, 2013

camp loopy project 3

the beginning of august signaled the beginning of camp loopy project 3. I was lucky to be working the fair for the master gardeners on thurs. morning, so it made for some good knitting time. I made quite a bit of progress on Thursday, and, since Friday was an almost rainy day, more progress on Friday. I'm making my vitamin D a bit longer, so I imagine it will take a bit longer, but I'll definitely be done in a month's time. No pics yet, just a WHOLE bunch of stitches on the needles and, being a top down, no seams sweater, it doesn't look like much.

The next project will be those gloves for my sister, some Christmas present socks, and back to the girasole that went in the storage bin until the camp project is done.

I'm looking forward to going to OFF (Oregon flock and fiber) at the end of September, so I'm saving my pennies for that.....That little trip, and my stash, should do me quite well to keep busy through the winter.....I'm also planning on doing some mosaic work this winter too. It's best done when it's raining and there's no yard to weed, water or maintain.

I have to share my yard sale score from yesterday!  In the 80's, I collected bears, like pretty much everyone else....I ALWAYS wanted a steiff, but at nearly $100 ( or more), it seemed too much for a stuffed animal.......Over the years, the collection has whittled down to a few of the cooler ones (mink paws, anyone?), and I haven't actively collected at all. Well.........yesterday, at a local yard sale,  I found this guy! Yep, that's the steiff button in his ear, he has a number and everything. I looked him up on the internet and he's from 1968-1990, and worth anywhere from $100 to $275. My cost? $5!!
Even though I don't actively collect bears any more, I couldn't resist, oh, and he's mohair, too.
This kinda goes on my all time list of yard sale scores, right up there with the authentic leather coach purse for $5, the ring saw for $20 (they cost about $300) and the knitting book I bought for 25cents that turned out to be out of print and worth about $300!
We don't do this all the time or obsessively (go to yard sales), but it can be a fun diversion occasionally, and even though antiques roadshow has ruined it for everyone, you can still get some fun stuff!

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