Sunday, July 03, 2011

I know, I was a little MIA last week

but I have a good excuse.....
I was at a class learning how to do this.....

A colorwork sweater, steeks and all. YIKES! I'm trying to make some significant progress on the sweater, because the NEXT class is the 16th of july and all about sleeves.

I'm also working on the bridge of roses socks (in my spare time). It'll be a good take along project when I have to work the farmer's market next weekend. (hard to transport and focus on a colorwork sweater or a lace shawl)

Sock summit is coming up fast, too, and I really need to finish stitch markers and do my homework. I'm starting to feel just a bit overwhelmed. The other 2 things in the fire are the camp loopy project 2 (cabeled socks - can't start until the 15th, though), and the phoenix and the carpet KAL, a lace shawl, that starts this coming friday. YIKES again!

I did find myself some goodies this week though.....I was surfing the loopy ewe site for potential camp yarn and WHOOP! there was a wollemeise update. I think I was the first person to see it, because there were about 30 offerings to choose from. I had to have a couple, of course, and the photo just doesn't do them justice. They're petite poison #5 dark and chim chim cheerie. It's hard to imagine what to do with such special and hard to get yarn. I think I'll just pet it for a while.

Next week.....hopefully some more sweater progress, the yarn for the cable socks should arrive, and who KNOWS what else!

1 comment:

Nana Sadie said...

And when do you teach? You can't possibly have time for your work.
I'm overwhelmed just reading it all, and you know very well what I'm doing.
Your color work is gorgeous...just amazing - you're good at this! Do you mind if I drool while you pet? I've never owned wollemeise! I'm green...