Sunday, June 19, 2011

it's all about sock summit now!

just about a month to go to sock summit and a knitting girl's fancy turns to socks.
What to wear, what to take, what to get done before I to play with the cool kids......
The watermelon socks are coming right along. One done including picot cast off (just need to sew it down) and one on the heel. They'll be done by the end of the week. Hopefully, I'll be able to finish our "trading" stitch markers as well.

I did take a little detour to work on my camp loopy project. A Daybreak in studio june and dream in color smooshy. This needs to be done by july 17, I think I'll be OK. The second camp project announces on july 1, and speculation is that it might be socks. I've already been looking at cool sock patterns and que'd a few on rav. I'm thinking something cabled or colorworked. We'll just have to see because I also start my mary scott-huff colorwork sweater class next week. YIKES! So much knitting, so little time. Who needs to sleep anyway?

In garden news, the poppies are coming out. The rain we're having beats them up, but they're still huge and beautiful.

next week.....a finished daybreak, finished watermelon socks, casting on for bridge of roses socks and hopefully a bit of a test for my rosalia sweater (need to get the yarn in first).

1 comment:

Nana Sadie said...

I'm so disappointed - Blogger ate my comment and it was a long one, too.
Ok...suffice to say that I'm green with envy over all you're doing, the socks and shawl look great, and if you want, I can point you to a picot cast off that sews the hem at the same time...for your next pair.