Sunday, March 27, 2011

spring is sprung

so not much knitting is done.......
my mermaid KAL. I'm almost done with clue 2, and clue 3 is waiting in the wings.
ACK! I'm behind! The trip to the beach set me back a bit as well as my painful mistake that caused me to rip it all out and start over. The next clue will be out on friday, so hopefully, I'll get caught up a bit.....

My replacement yarn arrived this week. Good to see that kelly at the unique sheep has a sense of humor!

I THOUGHT I was making progress on my eiki, until I read some nice raveler's notes.
The charts are all supposed to be done AT THE SAME TIME, not one at a time. No wonder I was quickly running out of yarn. Rip it, rip it.
I HATE when the pattern assumes that you automatically know this or that. I don't.
I'd much rather have too many directions that not nearly enough.
Onward and upward. It's raining today, so good knitting opportunities.

1 comment:

Nana Sadie said...

LOVELY lace!