This week actually brought on some knitting progress.......
My orchid thief shawl. The pattern is "the riddle of the orchid thief" by ysolda, from the book "brave new knits". In the book, it says it's advanced. Honestly, the only thing advanced about it is trying to figure out what the author had in mind. It has limited directions, and charts, neither of which bothered me, but, it assumes that the knitter will also make the SAME assumptions....confused? so was I. Thanks to the lovely knitters at Rav. that have gone before me, I was able to make it past the dreaded row 86 after only 3 tries. The yarn is "nightfall" by fibro fibers. I love how it slowly turns to black.
I got my new fixed skein of Gaea for my moonstruck sweater. It's still a bit light, even after sending a sample, but it'll work. I finished the other front last night while watching movies and it's off to be blocked today. I'll be working on the luanaria scarf while that dries.
We also went to the grand opening of a new LYS yesterday. It was about a 30 minute drive, but worth it. Yellow House Yarns in puyallup is going to be a really fun place. I love the old house, the selection of yarns was good, and I think once they get up and running, they'll probably have some fun classes too.
Ozzie and the troublepuss are admiring the cascade heritage I bought there. Had to support them, right? I am thinking colorwork socks, this being the year of colorwork and all.
Speaking of classes. Our little obedience school dropout graduated yesterday. Don't get too excited. His graduation cap should have been a dunce cap. He starts again monday night for another round of basic. How can you resist that cute face???
Oh my that lace is lovely lovely lovely!
And congrats to himself on graduating Obedience School!
The shawl is lovely!
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