well, the second half of the colorwork scarf is blocking, and the Moonstruck is dead in the water waiting for different yarn. (the folks at blue moon were very helpful),
so, I decided to cast on a new project. Why not?
This is the orchid thief shawl from brave new knits, the yarn is fibro fibers nightfall. After knitting bee fields, this is a piece of cake. The charts were quite a bear to work out, but thanks to my friends on ravelry, I found out there was errata and got some tips to figure it out. I'm almost to the dreaded "row 86", though, so we'll see what happens. The color will become darker until it eventually turns to black. I think it's beautiful, so much so I might just have to have some more. It's only available to order once per month, though, on the first........
Up this week.....I'll try to finish the lunaria scarf and work on the orchid thief shawl. I think I'm going to have to help myself to some of those bon-bons from the sanguine gryphon too. The weather is supposed to be kind of nice though, so I may just go outside and play.
The critters will all be resting up, just in case......
devil cat.
unsuspecting victim...
OMG too funny - I presume the unsuspecting victim was Ozzied?
Oh my gosh. I love how he is facing about 8 different directions. Funny dog. (Also poor dog. We have an Ozzy that is an attacker too. He asks all cute and friendly and lays down on his back. When the dogs come up to him he kicks his hind legs into their chests. Unfortunately they fall for this EVERY time.)
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