Friday, January 01, 2010

Happy New Year!

Ok, so, I'm not so much for resolutions. I kind of think they doom folks to fail.
I'm more for plans and goals. So, here are some I have for 2010. Hopefully putting them in writing will help to make them real!

My theme for 2010 is going to be "back to basics". All those things I know and love and have somehow lost a bit in the past year.
On the pilates front, I have some workshops planned, one in january, one in april, one in may, and a 3-day conference in april as well. I'm really looking forward to the conference, since I will be taking a class from one of the pilates "elders". She's 80 something, spunky and sharp as a tack and a pretty amazing woman. Should be enlightening. I've also set an agressive goal for my studio, so I've got to get to work on that.

In the knitting world (that is what this blog is supposed to be about), my focus is going to be improving my skills. I haven't joined any sock club so far this year, and I'm looking into some different ones. The loopy ewe club is looking interesting, just need to make the lottery. I'm also looking at some different package and kit options throughout the year, not just socks, but maybe lace? I want to try to do some test-knitting to stretch my boundaries, and take some workshops to stretch my skills. I'm already signed up for norwegian knitting in january with Mary Scott Huff. Looking forward to Madrona too.

I'd also like to rejuvenate the yard. It's been ignored the last couple of years because we were thinking about building a house. The building is on the back burner for now (or until we win the lotto), so the yard needs some help. I'll be spending some time in January going over garden catalogs and working out my thoughts.

Wow! Is that a bunch or what?
I ought to be busy, and busy is good.
Happy, busy 2010 to everyone.
We're all looking forward to it here!

1 comment:

Bea said...

Sounds like 2010 is shaping up really well. Hopefully if you do something in the garden you'll share. I love gardens. Flowers or veggies. :)