2009 was a challenging year for me. It started out with being sick in January (H1N1? plain old flu?) Who knows, but that drug on until March, when it was decided I had a raging case of strep. Although the antibiotics kicked in and kicked out the strep, it seemed like it took the rest of the year to get my energy back. Frustrating.
There were some great highlights, though.
In February, I went to the Seattle Flower show and Madrona. I always love the flower show and it inspires me to want to garden more - of course, it always snows on the way home. Madrona - Tacoma knitting conference - just inspires me to spend money on my knitting obsession.
March brought the opening of my home pilates studio. There were some doubtful moments there, but it's humming along nicely, thank you.
April - off to mind/body for pilates inspiration. Love it!
In May, I finished the last of my advanced pilates training. June and July were all study, all the time, and I passed my advanced certification exam at the end of July.
August was time to celebrate, both a milestone birthday and the culmination of many years of pilates work by passing the exam. It was off to Sock Summit.
What can I say about Sock Summit??? It was an amazing, fun, crazy, empowering, fun, awesome, learning experience. I met so many folks there from all over the country with at least one thing in common - our love for knitting, and stashing yarn. It was the best birthday present I could have asked for.
The rest of the year flew by in a flash. Knitting, pilates, working, volunteeering for the master gardeners and, finally, getting my energy back. Feels good to be human again.
What's up for 2010? I'm saving that for next week, but I have some (lots) of ideas!
Oh I'm sooooooo happy we met at Sock Summit!!
And that you passed your exam, and that the studio is going well!
I'll be around in 2010 - dropping the pounds with Weight Watchers, and you as my cheerleader!
Even with the crappy start it sounds like 2009 was a really good year for you!
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