Saturday, September 26, 2009

progress, purchases, and a MAJOR yard sale score!

First the progress. The North Pole christmas sock is coming along nicely, after the third try, you know, it's a charm. It kept coming out too big. I've finally figured out where the foot should end and the heel should begin, so I think it's going to work perfectly. Now it's just knit, knit, knit. It's a good, I have 10 minutes between clients project, even though it's not too stimulating.

Next, purchases, like I need more yarn. I stopped by the LYS on friday to get the 2 small needles there. Judy's magic cast on is so much easier on those kind of needles as opposed to straights. Well, they had a bunch of the zauerballs. Had to have one.
This one a a pretty cool berry color. I'm pretty sure I'm going to use it to make the shawl I saw on ravelry. Don't really care for it as socks, and I already have so many.
Speaking of socks, I'm expecting my socks that rock sept shipment any minute. I have to admit, I already peeked at some of the spoilers, and I'm sure I'm going to love it.

Now for the major score.....
I stopped by a yard sale this morning and bought a couple of knitting books for 50 cents. I pretty much always buy knitting books if I see them and they're cheap, just because. Well, and I still can't believe this one, the Alice Starmore book is a special one. It's out of print, has been for some time, will probably not ever be printed again, and it's kind of a cool book. It sells on Amazon for somewhere between $200-300. Yes, that's TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS! Not too bad for my 50 cent investment. Now, I have to think, do I want to sell it on ravelry for a couple hundred bucks, (that would buy a lot of projects), or, would I rather keep it. Tough call. I'll have to let you know, keeping it for now. Oh, by the way, the yarn was free. I really have to go to more yard sales!

We will now return you to your regularly scheduled nap.


Bea said...

Wow. Thats an awesome investment there. Wish I could find good stuff like that at yard sales here.

squiggi said...

It was all so innocent, too.
There was this pile of books. I kind of recognized the name as a knitting designer, and it just seemed kind of interesting. I would have paid at least $1 for it.
Imagine my surprise when I looked it up on amazon on a whim.
I'll be looking even more closely at yard sales now!