Sunday, May 26, 2013

I'm in a sunflower kinda mood

Well, it's too early for camp, too rainy to go outside, and the landscapers were still finishing until thursday. So, I picked up the rest of the bee sweater yarn and did a quick little sunflower shawl. It will really be a table runner, and it turned out kinda cute. I still have enough yarn to do another, and might do one for my sister. No pics yet, it's being bound off.....

In the sunflower theme, I also saw this sunflower shawl kit on knitpicks.
Had to have it. Again, probably not a shawl. It'll be a tablecloth with it's done, some day.


This week, I'll be choosing a pattern for my camp loopy socks. I'm thinking something by cookie a. I have a couple of her books, and I've wanted to try some of her stuff for a long time......
We're both on vacation this week, so there's a looonnnnngggg list of "honey do's". Can't promise much knitting content. Gotta go play outside.

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