Sunday, May 26, 2013

I'm in a sunflower kinda mood

Well, it's too early for camp, too rainy to go outside, and the landscapers were still finishing until thursday. So, I picked up the rest of the bee sweater yarn and did a quick little sunflower shawl. It will really be a table runner, and it turned out kinda cute. I still have enough yarn to do another, and might do one for my sister. No pics yet, it's being bound off.....

In the sunflower theme, I also saw this sunflower shawl kit on knitpicks.
Had to have it. Again, probably not a shawl. It'll be a tablecloth with it's done, some day.


This week, I'll be choosing a pattern for my camp loopy socks. I'm thinking something by cookie a. I have a couple of her books, and I've wanted to try some of her stuff for a long time......
We're both on vacation this week, so there's a looonnnnngggg list of "honey do's". Can't promise much knitting content. Gotta go play outside.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

summer camp!!!!!

this week, I had the pleasure of joining the loopy ewe's summer knitting camp for the third year. The challenge for the first project is to use one skein of something you've never used before, up to 375 yards on anything you'd like. I've made the commitment to myself to make this about christmas presents, so, my irish girls adorn sock in birch will be some christmas gifted socks.

I also had a bit of a falling off the no yarn buying wagon, (it WAS on sale). I'm such a sucker for a gradient yarn, and when it comes in green........add a sale, it was all over!

Not the best pic, but it's black trillium pebble sock in the pine gradient. Don't know what it's going to be yet, just know I had to have it.

I've pretty much finished the bee sweater (pics next week). The only thing that's left is to sew down the picot edge and cover the steeks with seam binding. It turned out pretty good, if I do say so myself.

Next week., not sure what's up. Camp doesn't officially start until june 1, so I'll have to find an interim project. I have some things in mind....stay tuned.

Monday, May 13, 2013

just squeaking in

the majority of the queen bee sweater is complete. Yesterday, on a nice rainy sunday,  I sewed and steeked the front and sleeves and sewed up the sides of the sleeves. Then, because I had just a bit of the brown left, I decided to add a little more length to the sleeves and make them they way they should be.

I still have one sleve to finish, and the bias tape to put on, and then I'll sew and cut the armhole steeks. The most scary part, if you ask me, because the armholes don't have any extra steek stitches to work with, just the "real" sweater.
The finishing will be picking up the edges with the green.

So, still a lot of work to do, but getting closer. I may end up putting it away for a bit, in favor of camp loopy (shopping starts this week), and hopefully, landscapers. (they're supposed to start this week too!)

I'm pretty excited about camp, this will be my third year, and I'm hoping to use it to make some christmas presents in advance.I  know Sheri will come up with all sorts of fun, she usually does!

Sunday, May 05, 2013

bee progress and off to summer camp!

The weather's been great here, so the knitting has kind of taken a back seat to the other obsession, gardening.
This week we spent most of it obsessing over the inspection for the other house and then fixing all the little things we needed to do.
I did, however, make some progress on the bee sweater.

Still think I'm going to run out of the brown yarn, though. Good news is, there's someone on Ravelry that has some for sale (gotta love ravelry).
Speaking of Rav, I also succumbed to my desire to do clockwork. I caved and bought the pattern after seeing a gorgeous combination done by someone else of off white and grey. I'm thinking it can be a camp loopy project..

Camp Loopy is about to begin. It usually starts in june, but the purchasing window might just start this week. I've done this for 2 years now, this will be my third, and I have to say, it's a blast. You never know what the "rules" will be, and that makes it kind of fun too. I'm eagerly anticipating the annoucement.

Can't promise too much knitting this week. The weather is still super nice and the old house is still demanding attention. I'll keep working on the bees when I can, and dreaming of camp!

Doggies will be baking out in the kennel (they LOVE to bake)!