Monday, January 28, 2013

better late than never

bad blogger!!!!
bad, bad blogger!!!
it wouldn't let me in until I changed my password at least twice. ARGH!!

Alrighty..... this week was pretty productive knitting-wise.
I finished this scarf

and these socks

ande worked on the bugga sweater and this scarf....loving the double knitting class, by the way.
this scarf keeps having "accidents" . The doggie has stolen it a couple of times and unrolled the yarn, taken out the stitches, and finally, today, broke both of the knitpicks needles that were in it.
it's hard to be mad too long at this face, though......
this week, it's supposed to rain like crazy. Good knitting weather.  There'll be some more hexis, some more bugga sweater, and I hope to finish this scarf, which, by the way, is way too thick to be a scarf. I'm thinking table runner.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

finishing ufo's

This week was pretty productive knitting-wise. It was too cold to go outside and paint or garden, so I focused on finishing up a few things that have been taking up space in the UFO pile.

First up, the watermelon socks. There's just something about a watermelon sock that makes me happy.

I also finished a wrestling match of a hooded scarf that's been hanging around forever. It was about 10 rows short of this endless slip stitch pattern that was made only more boring by having to wrestle the yarn and needles into submission. It's done now, no pics yet......

AND I picked up the bridge of roses socks that I started about a year ago. I had one sock done and gave up because it's a bit of a fiddly pattern. The second sock doesn't seem that bad, though, and I'm already past the heel.

Next up on the UFO adjenda, the beaded belles socks I started a LOOONNNGGGG time ago. Then I'll go back to the pile and see what else I can finish. I think that's about it, though, with the exception of a tank top that needs some top ribbing.

I'm trying to wrap up most of the misc. unfinished projects before madrona and the flower show distract me.

In my theme of 2013 being the year of double knitting, I also signed up for the craftsy double knitting class. (it was on sale, ya know). I've taken some double knitting classes before at my LYS, and never quite gotten it. That makes me even more determined. So far, I'm loving the class. You can watch it as many times as you like, and replay the important parts over. I finished the sample starter piece in the first lesson, and I think I'll work on the wrist warmers in the second one. This is working for me.

So, this week, maybe another class lesson, some more hexis (I have about 90 now), finish bridge of roses socks, and dig out the beaded belles.


Saturday, January 05, 2013

still a bit obsessed

Things are finally settling down and settling in, and it's WAY too cold and wet to go outside just yet. (although I did get a bit of painting done). I have to admit, I'm still a bit obsessed with the hexipuffs......I've set a goal for somewhere about 10 per week. Last count was around 65 (and growing).

I had to step back from them a bit. There ARE other things to work on, you know.
Here's the other watermelon sock, well on it's way......

I'm trying to force myself to finish some of those UFO's, or ditch them, whichever would be better, so, I'll fish around and find another half finished project for my next trick......stay tuned.

I think I'll leave you with a little flower eye candy. This really IS as large as it looks and beautiful. It's also sending up a second stem, so it'll be around for a while.....

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

happy new year

I know, a rare, non weekend post, but I couldn't pass up the chance to say happy new year!!!!

2012 was pretty eventful in a lot of ways. This time last year, we were anxiously waiting for financing and planning for the house build. What a difference a year makes!!

I've never much been one for "resolutions", but I do have some goals for 2013......
I want it to be the year of living lighter. After having to move all that "stuff", most of it by myself in a million little trips over the course of a month or so, I think we need to get rid of more of it. We're already planning a shop clearing and yard sale for the spring. We'll see if the man will let go of anything. He tends to be one of those folks who insist it'll be good for something, I'll so something with it, I have a plan. (NOT!!).

So, it'll be lightening the load, knitting from the stash (with a few exceptions, of course), and working on what we already have. Like, selling our old house and our acre of mud around the new one.

It's also going to be the year of landscaping. We still have to finish the city's soil amendment plan before we can do anything, but, once that's done, I'm calling the landscapers. If we can build a house in a year, we can  build the bones of a garden in a year.......stay tuned...........

So, back to the things I love. Gardening, knitting, feeding the hummingbirds...and maybe some new loves, who knows!

What a difference a year makes!!