Sunday, April 10, 2011

done and done

this week I took the time to finish a couple of things.
Eiki is done and blocked. Cinnamon brown approves, as you can see.

Also a wedding shawl for one of my friends - blocking now. Hope she likes it.

I'm still working on the mermaid kal. Almost caught up with the clues, thanks to the never ending rain. No pics today. It's too big and just looks like a lump of lace.

I'm SERIOUSLY considering a 4 part colorwork class at a LYS. It's being taught by Mary Scott-Huff, who, aside from being a great teacher and designer, is a true kick in the pants. The class includes colorwork techniques, steeks (YIKES), and finishing.
All things that I think would seriously improve my skills. I'm really wanting to make THIS
Rosalia from the Twist collective. I think it would make an awesome challenge.

I'm also thinking about a sweater's worth of skinny bugga in one of the spring colors, but can't many colors, so little time.
The april loopy ewe kit should be out this week, and sock summit is fast approaching.
Time flies......

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