Sunday, April 24, 2011

happy easter!

well, I DID make some progress this week, only because it continued to rain incessantly.

I think I'll be caught up with the shawl by the end of this week. There's only one more clue left. They're going to announce another KAL when all the clues for this one are done. I'm in, I'm SO in!

I also started on Batik. Cinnamon brown is modeling the beginning of it here......

The mailman was good to me too...
Yogi is inspecting the loopy ewe april kit. I know the yarn looks black, but it's a very deep, rich purple. Gorgeous.

The classes and vendor list for sock summit were released this week, oh, my!
I don't really plan on doing any classes, maybe a lecture? The plan is to go down there on thurs, shop on friday and volunteer on sat, home on sunday, broke and happy.
There's always the keynote dinner, something planned for sat, I'm sure, and TONS of other things to do, never enough time. It has to be wrong to be SO excited about something that's nearly 4 months away. right?

Monday, April 18, 2011

oh, yeah,

well, the weather is finally better, so there's really not much knitting to share.
I'm still working on the little mermaid. At least the next clue is easy, so hopefully I'll get caught up. They'll be announcing a new one in a couple of weeks, I'm already in.

I signed up for the colorwork series that involves making a sweater. I have one picked out and everything, just need the yarn.

I also bought the april loopy ewe kit. Just couldn't resist that purple. It should be here this week, so I'll have something to show next time.
Cast on for batik too.

In the mean time, here's a little ozzie for ya.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

done and done

this week I took the time to finish a couple of things.
Eiki is done and blocked. Cinnamon brown approves, as you can see.

Also a wedding shawl for one of my friends - blocking now. Hope she likes it.

I'm still working on the mermaid kal. Almost caught up with the clues, thanks to the never ending rain. No pics today. It's too big and just looks like a lump of lace.

I'm SERIOUSLY considering a 4 part colorwork class at a LYS. It's being taught by Mary Scott-Huff, who, aside from being a great teacher and designer, is a true kick in the pants. The class includes colorwork techniques, steeks (YIKES), and finishing.
All things that I think would seriously improve my skills. I'm really wanting to make THIS
Rosalia from the Twist collective. I think it would make an awesome challenge.

I'm also thinking about a sweater's worth of skinny bugga in one of the spring colors, but can't many colors, so little time.
The april loopy ewe kit should be out this week, and sock summit is fast approaching.
Time flies......

Sunday, April 03, 2011

move along, nothing to see here

This has been one of those weeks where you feel like you're knitting backwards.
I got really frustrated with the mermaid shawl and ripped the whole thing out. The YO's were just too big and the whole thing looked awful. Went downtown and bought a smaller addi turbo lace and started over. Now I'm back on clue 2 and liking the tighter one much better. No progress to show there.

I did finish my eiki, but it needs the ends woven in and some blocking.

I'm getting the itch to start something new. Maybe Batik with that nice yarn I bought a couple of weeks ago, or girasole, with the yarn I've had FOREVER for it.
Hmmm........I need something else to do between clues, we'll see.

Today is supposed to be the only dry day all week, so it's off to clean out the greenhouse before the fred meyer fuschia event next weekend.
It's WAY too early to be putting out those kinds of baskets, but I'll get the stuff while it's nice and fresh and put it in the greenhouse. Now I just need to remember it's there!!

No knitting pics, so here's some critters instead......

Our little baby is growing up......