Sunday, October 03, 2010

Mini Me

watch out, cuteness overload ahead........

On friday, this little guy joined our zoo...

Say hello to Yogi.
He's been a sweet baby, but there's not much knitting happening, you know......

Ozzie (who deserves his ozzie ozzborne name MORE every day) has made it his personal mission to seek out the puppy and bonk him on the head every chance he can get!

Ok, in knitting news, there's been progress on birch, in spite of finding my yarn unwound all over the rec room one morning, and, I'm also working on bee fields again.
There may be a spot of trouble with this one. Last night, ozzie stole my pattern and removed the markers that noted where I was.


Bea said...

OH my. Yogi is so cute! How is Cinnamon doing with Yogi? Why did I not realize you had an Ozzie too??

Bea said...

hmm...don't know if my second one went I'll try again.

Abby and Gussy say Hi. Abby would like to play with your puppy.

Nana Sadie said...

Welcome, Yogi!!
And of course, Ozzie has to teach the newcomer who's boss, right?
(umm...maybe leave your knitting in a bag? in a cabinet?)
Just sayin'

Natalie Rush said...

Awe....such a cute puppy!!!