Saturday, May 16, 2009

finished and blocking

Well, it's been a productive knitting week. The flirty tank is finished and blocking. This was a fun, challenging but easy knit. I would definitely do it again.

I also started on the clematis purse. I want to use it as my knitting bag for sock summit.

I think it's cool, although it does seem a bit gaudy. It will definitely attract some attention!

Now, I just NEED the sock summit registration to OPEN, OPEN, OPEN!

I'm afraid it's going to be a day when I'm tied up, and I won't get the classes I want.

Plenty of classes to choose from, but I think there's about half a million folks that want to go.

Don't EVEN get me started on the vendor list from it. My credit card is crying as we speak.

I'm so excited to even be able to go.

Check out my wisteria! This is the most it's bloomed in it's life. It had to be drastically chopped back because it broke off in the snow. Seems it LIKES to be abused a bit. Really, it's beautiful, and it smells really sweet.

In other news, next weekend is my final required pilates workshop, so it's off to Portland. All advanced. Cadillac, chair and barrels. Very difficult stuff, very physical, and very cirque du soleil. YIKES. Good thing monday is a holiday and I can sleep in.

For our doggie pic today, a little squiggi torture. Don't worry, no cats were harmed. He actually loves the attention. The cat protests, bonks her hard on the head, and five minutes later is back for more!


Bea said...

Your wisteria is beautiful. If being abusive to it means it makes such beauty maybe that's the way to go each winter. I've seen that game between the cats and the dogs except around here it is an even match between Ozzy and Gus. Ozzy gets those Maine coon bunny thumpers against Gus' chest and Oz can push Gus across the room even though he is 4 times Ozzy's weight.

Bea said...

Oops. I meant to comment and say the tank looks lovely too but somehow I hit enter before I did.