Sunday, August 17, 2014

working away at the cables

this week, I worked away on my cables. On one day, it was just too hot, on another, it was just too wet, so, knitting it was. No looks the same as last time, just longer. I finished the first strip, cast on for the second one, and I'm about half way there. Then the weather got better, and it was back outside for some more (much needed) weeding.

I also bought myself a belated birthday present.  I'm pretty proud of myself, I haven't bought any yarn this year at all, with the exception of my michaels blankie yarn, so when black trillium had a sale, I just had to jump in and get myself some butterscotch gradient. I've been looking at the yellowjacket shawl for a long time. The pattern is really messed up, but some brave soul on ravelry went through the whole thing and posted her fixes. It will definitely be a winter knit, but I think I'm ready to tackle it.

Last but not least, Friday was yogi's birthday.
Happy Birthday Yogi Bear! He's 4 now, and he's turned into a beautiful, sweet grownup. (even if he is a goofy couch tater!)

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