Sunday, February 19, 2012

well. I couldn't just come home empty handed now!

I've had the pleasure of spending the last 2 days knitting at Madrona. Our local knitting retreat that actually draws folks from all around the world and the country.
It never ceases to amaze me when I hang out with knitters. The sweaters! The options!
The talent!

On friday, I took a wonderful class from Gail Roehm on reading japanese patterns. I've been intrigued by this since I saw it at the first sock summit, but not able to get in. This time I was lucky. Very lucky. It was a day FULL of information, great handouts, knitting and learning. I highly recommend this to anyone who's interested. It also makes me feel pretty good to sit in a class that was probably half knitting designers (they take classes too, you know), and keep up. I did have to buy a stitch pattern book, and I'll keep my eyes peeled now for other books as well. (they're really expensive - shipping and all) It just opens a whole new world of knitting, and the japanese designers have some pretty amazing ideas. Oh, and on saturday, I learned intarsia. I'm feeling like I can tackle anything now!

The rest of that was my impulse buy.(like I NEED more yarn) Some nice abstract fiber. (It was in the clearance bin, OK?) and the grey is for some man-socks. This time I'll try to keep it away from the thieving devil cat.

Next up, some rams and yowes (I have the rest of the yarn now), working through the principles of knitting - THAT was waiting on my doorstep friday when I got home, the bugga sweater, and whatever catches my eye.

1 comment:

Nana Sadie said...

I just got The Principles of Knitting, too. I don't think that will be a cover to cover read. More like a taste and savor, perusal before setting it up on the shelf to be available when I'm totally confused on something. Dipping in when there's something challenging I need more info on. That sort of thing. The yarn is gorgeous, and I'm delighted you had a good time! Go you, for learning INTARSIA!!!