Sunday, February 12, 2012

this was the week to finish

This week I decided that I needed to finish a few things before starting anything else. I finally got the yarn I needed to finish the violets, and I was waiting for that to be done to steek both the violets and the sweater.
I can happily say that the violets are steeked and done.........

and the sweater only needs a bit of the button band and some blocking.

I'll probably finish the button band today, but wait until the end of the week to block. It's going to smell like a wet sheep for quite a while. It's REALLY thick and heavy.

This week.......MADRONA. I'm taking 2 classes, japanese stitches and intarsia. I've wanted to learn both of these techniques for quite a while, so I was lucky to get in.
I'll need to spend some time getting my supplies ready.

I'd also like to start rams and yowes, and continue on the box jellyfish bugga sweater. We'll see how THAT goes.
Stay tuned next week for the madrona haul.

1 comment:

Nana Sadie said...

wow. LOVELY!!! and I'm so impressed that you steek!
Have fun at Madrona...