Sunday, September 11, 2011

too hot to knit

well, being the pacific nw girl I am, I HATE hot weather. Guess what! This week has been the longest stretch over 80 degrees in history. Yep, we set a record. It's pretty much impossible to think about knitting or sitting with a wool sweater on your lap when you're baking. So, the colorwork sweater sits in the "craft room" (also known as the crap room), without it's sleeves. I'll need to finish it this week, though, because the final class is on next week sunday. Good thing it's going to be cooler.

The only knitting I've done this week was yesterday, while I hung out at the farmer's market for the master gardeners. I worked on my sister's christmas sock, and really, got quite a ways. It's the rock and weave sock and there's not really much to think about there knitting-wise, just go. Makes a good doing something else project. No pics, though.

I didn't even buy any yarn this week, imagine that, although I did get some. I'll have to show pics next time. The really cool thing we DID do was meet with a contractor and sign a design agreement for our new house. I'm really excited about the whole creative aspect of picking out stuff and working with an interior designer and landscape designer to pull it all together.

I'll leave you with some doggie inspiration.......
they're very happy about maybe having a new house too. They'll get their own door and kennel if all goes well.

Hairy Boxer just because it cracks me up every time I see it.


Bea said...

We just missed our record this summer. After 40 days of over 100 (most near 110) we actually had a day of 97. That was the day we would have been over the record. Sigh. Since than we had many more days over 100. So I totally get the sentiment that its too hot to knit.

Nana Sadie said...

Truly, I'm trying to feel for you...I'm trying.
But then we get 90s-100s for stretches at a time! Weeks! The cure? A/C. (of course, paying for it affects the ability to buy yarn, doncha know?)

Stay cool if you can. We've apparently begun fall a bit early.
