Sunday, August 08, 2010

say hello......

 the mayor of kitty city. Mayor Mc Cheeze.
last weekend, we were out running around and we stopped at a yard sale. There it was. Kitty city, and only $1. Of course, you KNOW who had to take up residence and his birthright as the mayor! We have definitely gotten a $1 worth of entertainment from this!
Now we're on the hunt for more kitty city!
(honestly, I think we bought it because we just like saying it, kitty city, kitty city, kitty city.....)

Sorry, not much knitting content to show.....
it's been a difficult week and it's really hard to knit with a little needle-footed pest in your lap biting your yarn. (even if he IS the mayor).
working on bee fields........

1 comment:

Nana Sadie said...

OH that's great! Now I must get something similar...kitty city on the East Coast...Ozzie is absolutely the natural choice for mayor!