Sunday, March 07, 2010

not a lot of knitting happening.....

the weather's been too nice. The garden is calling (screaming)

I did make some progress with the dream in color starry.
This is Kernel from the knitty fall 2009 issue. I didn't think I would want the beads, but I'm kind of liking them. My first try with beads and a crochet hook and it was really easy. Looking at other beaded things now.....

The second lovely is the march installment of the loopy ewe sock club. I spent a couple of years in "another" sock club and decided to move on this year. I was very lucky to be one of the chosen ones in the loopy ewe lottery, which gets me 2 years into the club before I have to go back to the lottery. I'm very excited about this. The first shipment was awesome. I like that the yarn is a different producer every time and that there's two patterns. I don't like that I'm in love with BOTH patterns now, and I'll have to decide which one I want to make with the club yarn and then buy another one for the other pattern. I have to say that sheri and the elves at the loopy ewe are awesome. I paid for the shipment on thursday, and recieved it on saturday!

no promises, but they'll probably be more knitting next week. The weather here is supposed to cool off and maybe even snow a bit. It's already getting quite a bit colder today. Good knitting weather. The sun will be back - hopefully soon. I've barely made a dent in the yard.


Nana Sadie said...

Lovely lace! We actually had good weather this weekend, too.
(sorry you have snow in the forecast)
I'm a bit burned out on knitting since Knitting Olympics!

Bea said...

Kernel is looking lovely. I've never joined a sock club. I've considered it a million times but never actually taken the next step and signed up.