Sunday, October 25, 2009

fairy ring progress

This week has been totally devoted to fairy ring knitting-wise, and I have great progress to show for it. The bottom cable and hem is done, the garter stitch "skirt" is done, the lower cabling is done and also the left front. It went very fast and I'm extremely pleased with how it's turning out. This is my first adventure into this much cabling and this many charts. Just looking at the pattern and chart detail totally intimidated me for a long time. I finally just decided to go for it, since I'd bought the yarn back in july and I want to be able to wear it this winter instead of knitting on it next summer. Next up, the right side and the back. These kind of take a while because they require a bit of concentration since they're all cabled. I'm hoping to be able to finish the body this week, and then the sleeves next week. We'll see. It IS supposed to rain most of the week, but that bodyflow and bodypump are not going to learn themselves and I need to teach them both on friday.
Good thing next weekend is "fall back" and we get an extra hour.
I think my next project is going to be some "damensocken" - nordic 2-color knee socks. I've found some great solid color sock yarn at and I may have to order it.
Next week, the classes should also be up for madrona. I've never really been interested in classes before, but sock summit gave me a whole new perspective. I'll be looking at the madrona classes closely to see if there's anything that catches my eye. Sounds like they have some great teachers lined up.


twinsetellen said...

Wow! You aren't kidding that you made great progress. It looks super.

Bea said...

Your cardigan is looking really really pretty. I'm so impressed by all the cabling.

Nana Sadie said...

Wow - you're really making progress on that! (don't blame you about wanting to finish so you can wear it!)