Sunday, October 18, 2009

books, books, books!

Like I need any more projects......
This week brought some new books, not a lot of knitting progress.
There's some goodies here. The joy of sox (thanks Pam, you enabler, you)
The enchanted sole. I pre-ordered this one back in july. I was glad I did when I saw the "alchemest" pattern. It's gorgeous. Gotta make it. Just not right now.
The latest Vogue - some good patterns here
And a Norwegian(?) mitten, sock, and hat book. There's these amazing black and white knee socks in there. Putting them on my list. Good thing it comes with an english translation. I'm addicted to colorwork after the mittens. I don't know if I do it "right", or even well, but I'm loving it.

Speaking of mittens, they're all done, thumbs and all. Everyone that's seen them thinks they're great. They were a fun, fast, knit. I love them.

The big cabled thing there is "faery ring" by Mary Scott Huff. I fell in love with this cabled sweater-coat last year at madrona. Ordered the yarn, cascade 220 doeskin heather, from WEBS last summer when it was on sale, and promptly got scared by all the cables and charts. I was looking for a new "big" project to do on a rainy day, so I dragged it all out and dug in. It's not as hard as it looks so far. We'll see what happens when I have to pick up 262 stitches and start knitting miles of cable on the body. I'd love to have it done by the next Madrona in Feb. The designer will be there again, and I can wear it and show off!
This week, more faery ring knitting, some plain socks for christmas, felting the purse, and working on the new bodypump and bodyflow, since I have to teach them soon.
It's supposed to rain....


twinsetellen said...

Oh, post a lot on that Fairy Ring. I have the pattern, too, and plans to make it someday. Watching you will enable that.

Nana Sadie said...

Gotta get that Enchanted Sole - and now must stop and look at Vogue Knitting!!!

Bea said...

Love books...sigh...

I haven't seen Fairy Ring, but now I'm going to go look it up on Ravelry.