Saturday, March 28, 2009

A lazy day for some, spring fever for others!

It's been a lazy day around here for some of us.

There was a nice present in the mail today. This looks like an awesome challenge. Not colors I would pick if I was shopping for socks, but the idea of belonging to the sock club is to challenge my traditional ideas and stretch the boundaries of my knitting capabilities. So, here we go....

February Lady is done, just waiting for some buttons.

I decided to make this quick baby blankie for a gal at work. Good thing it's almost done, I think today is going to be his birthday!

Here's the spring fever section.....
It's been hummingbird mania around here today. We've seen at least 3 at a time, dive bombing and feeding all day. They're a constant source of entertainment.
This particular feeder wasn't even up for 20 minutes before it attracted this guy (actually we think it's a gal)

1 comment:

Bea said...

OH Hummingbirds! My cats would be in heaven just gazing out the windows.

THe sweater looks great as does the baby blanket. I hope all went well with the arrival of the baby.