Sunday, July 13, 2014

well, I WANT to knit

This week, it's been hot. Unbearably hot. What do you suppose that makes any good knitter do?
Dig through the stash for wool, of course.

I found a couple of balled up skeins and decided I needed something mindless to do while I'm working at the market and the fair. So.....I decided to start a potato chip scarf. If you haven't seen one, it's a ruffled scarf that turns in on itself.

Even though I worked the market yesterday, I didn't get enough done to take a pic, so you'll just have to use your imagination.

I also got a 25% off everything michaels coupon, and I think when I'm out running around this week, I might stop by and check out their yarn selection. I know, it's mostly that ghastly acrylic stuff, but when you're making a blankie for the couch and you have two couch potato boxers and two insane Siamese, acrylic fits the bill perfectly, since it can be washed. (you never know when someone is going to yak on your blankie, and the one on the couch usually ends up smelling like a dog).

So, stay tuned.....I really want to make a cabled throw, and I might just adapt my own pattern.

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