Sunday, June 23, 2013

Well, there's one sock

So, this week. much to my surprise, I finished the first of the beaded bells.

I also made a few hexi puffs too.......

Mostly, though, I moved dirt. Fifteen yards of dirt (more or less).
This will probably be the pattern for a while, unless it rains, and then I'll knit and do some glass mosaics.

On July 1, I can officially start my camp loopy project 2. Good thing I have the whole month to do it, I'll be moving dirt.

On a happy note, our new kitty, miss ziggy weighs 1 lb, 13 oz as of thursday. Only 3 oz to go and she can be fixed and come home. I'm thinking the end of this week.......I'll probably combine a kitty fetching trip with a stop to pick up my concrete leaf from saturday's class. I know, another craft, but I think I'm addicted.....(again)

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