Sunday, May 06, 2012

I'm making it my mission this week.....

to go dig through the stash and find a project that inspires me. Right now, I'm kind of in a knitting slump. I'm not happy with the colors of the pillow I'm making. I think it's destined for the frog pond......the bugga sweater is languishing..... My days are full of light fixtures, decorating decisions and watching contractors not show up. Not sure what I'll obsess with when this house is finally finished, probably the garden. Since there's no knitting, how about a doggie pic?
or maybe a little ozzie ozzborne. you can see he's VERY motivated.....

1 comment:

Nana Sadie said...

OZZIE!!!!!!! I have MISSED Ozzie!!!
Hang in there (and contractors drive me nuts!)