Thursday, February 28, 2008

Garden Show and FO

Last weekend we went to the garden show in Seattle.
I've loved the show since I discovered it many years ago.
This year, it was a bit sparce. I don't know if it was the economy, or what, but a lot of the "really cool" new stuff just wasn't there.
I only spent $5. EXTRMELY unsusal for me. It was still fun, though, with lots of ideas for the new house.
On a knitting note, the acorn lace socks are done and blocked. These are from a fiber trends pattern and some yarn that came as a kit from ebay pretty cheaply. Couldn't tell you what the yarn was, but they worked out pretty good. The monkey socks are done too and on the blockers, as you can see, they're boxer approved. The yoga hoodie is blocking, we'll see.....
Now the challenge is to restrain myself on the train trip to portland, how much stash do I REALLY need????????

finally project 365/52 pic of the week

Spring is sprung.......

Friday, February 15, 2008

back in the land of the?

I know, I know, I've woefully neglected my blog, in spite of my new year's resolution to pay more attention to it.

But, I'm back, and with some good stuff too. A little "yarn therapy" from Madrona.....

As you can see, Cinnamon approves.
From top left to right, Kauni, EG (if it's good enought for the yarn harlot.....), fibertrends felted doggie toy pattern (couldn't resist), Peruvian tweed alpaca (man socks?), STR medium lolite and the "mystic sea" pattern, STR lightweight turquoise and the "trickle" pattern, and last but not least, STR dyer's choice, an interesting mix.
Don't know when I'll have time for any of these, but they DID make me feel good! I think I restrained myself quite nicely in light of the fact that the seattle flower show is next week and the train to portland to yarn shop in two weeks. Might have to have some more of that Kauni.
On the pilates front, the bulk of the training is done, one more big workshop to do, then a bunch of little ones and a whole bunch of hours. I made a commitment to myself to take the practical, though, by signing up for the test review workshop in june. Keeping fingers (and toes) crossed for a positive result.
Now, off to knit.